Welcome to the Minerals.net January 2017 Newsletter!
We have many updates to share with our newsletter subscribers in this first newsletter of 2017. We are also looking forward to all the activity in Tucson looming this coming month, and hope to put together another newsletter right before the Tucson show. We will be posting updates and reports from Tucson after we get back in February. |
Our Tucson Ads
We created an online form for dealers to give us information on new material that they will be bringing to the Tucson show this year. This will enable us to better plan our visit to each of the various shows, and allow dealers to provide details of what they will be displaying so that we can come by and photograph it for our show reports.
We can’t guarantee a visit to every dealer who fills out the form, but we’ll make sure to make our best effort and give a priority to those who filled out the form.
The form can be submitted at www.minerals.net/tucson2017
We also placed a full-page ad in the current Rocks and Minerals magazine about this. Please see our ad below:

New York State Museum Visit
We visited the New York State Museum in Albany, New York, this past summer. This museum, the oldest and largest state museum in the country, features a very impressive collection of the minerals of New York state. The museum has the most complete representation of New York State minerals, as well as the largest public exhibit of minerals specific to New York. Also on display is an impressive case of New York City minerals, which were mostly found during excavation of building construction.
We photographed some of the highlights of this collection, and placed these in a multi-part series on our news blog. Click the links below to view the reports on our news blog:
Franklin NJ Zincite Display
Franklin, New Jersey, hosts two mineral shows every year, one in the spring and one in the fall. The show this past fall had some public display cases; of particular interest were two display cases of the mineral Zincite, one from Dick Hauck and the other from the Franklin Mineral Museum.
Zincite was found in a natural state in only one place in the world, at the Franklin mineral district in New Jersey. However, despite its relative rarity, this mineral occurs in a surprisingly widespread variety of habits and forms for such a localized mineral. We took pictures of these displays and are happy to share some of the best examples with our newsletter subscribers.
View out news blog article on the Zincite Exhibit at Franklin, New Jersey

 New Minerals
We are continuing the process of updating our database by adding new minerals and rewriting some of the minerals presently in our system. We added the two most prevalent minerals in the Nitrates group:
Although these two minerals are not commonly represented in collections, we felt that it’s important to include them in this guide in order to have all mineral groups represented in our database. |
Revisiting the Carbonates
The content for the carbonate minerals was written over ten years ago. We decided to revisit all these pages and rewrite their content. We completely revamped everything on these pages, from general text updates in all sections, new localities, larger 3D picture animations, and many additional photos. Specific minerals updated include:
Give us Feedback!
We appreciate feedback! Please email any comments or suggestions, and any errors or bugs you may find on our website. To contact us, please visit our Contact page. |