Bromargyrite is an
ore of silver, and is very similar to
Chlorargyrite, with which it forms a
solid solution series. Bromargyrite contains the
halogen bromine combined with silver, whereas Chlorargyrite contains chlorine with silver. Bromargyrite and Chlorargyrite can be visually indistinguishable from one another, and will often form in the same deposits. The
intermediary mineral of this
series, known as
Embolite, is usually classified as a bromine-rich variety of Chlorargyrite. Bromargyrite and Chlorargyrite are also chemically similar to the rare mineral
Iodargyrite, which has iodine in place of the bromine/chlorine.
Bromargyrite is named after its chemical composition: "brom" for bromine, and "argyros" for the Greek word used for silver.