Pezzottaite is used a rare gemstone and collectors mineral. When used as
a gemstone, it is sometimes called by the name "Rapberry Beryl".
Pezzottaite is a relatively recent mineral in terms of its discovery. The most significant locality for Pezzottaite, where this mineral was first described, is the Sakavalana Mine, Ambatovita, Fianarantsoa Province, Madagascar. Additional localities are reported to have yielded Pezzottaite since 2006, including the Deva Mine in Konar, and the Parun Pegmatite Field, both in Nuristan, Afghanistan. Another discovery of Pezzottaite from Burma made its way to the market in 2006, with specimens coming from the Paleini Mine, Khetchel Village, Momeik, in the Mogok area.
Red Beryl - Distinguished by the unique locality. Pink Apatite - Much softer (5), distinguished by the unique locality.
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