Aurichalcite Crystals on Matrix
Aurichalcite Crystals on Matrix from Last Chance Mine, Grand Canyon, Arizona
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description Al Ordway collected this specimen in 1967 according to his card. This small mine is a former Copper and Uranium mine worked from 1890-early 1900s. The Last Chance Mine in the Grand Canyon is located below the South rim, and is accessed via the Grandview Trail. The mine itself is located on Horseshoe Mesa. Some collectors, such as Al, snuck back into the old workings over the years. This piece, with brilliant blue, relatively robust Aurichalcite crystals, would be fine for any locality, though.
Locality Last Chance Mine, Grand Canyon, Arizona
Dimensions 7.8 x 5.7 x 3.2 cm.
Specimen Grade C
Photograph Photo

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