Aurichalcite in Smithsonite
Aurichalcite in Smithsonite from Kelly Mine, Magdalena District, Socorro Co., New Mexico
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description Aesthetic botryoids of lustrous and translucent, sky-blue Smithsonite partially cover an earlier generation of botryoidal blue-green Aurichalcite. This piece came from the late Tony Otero (mine owner at the time) in 1978, and was later in the collections of Dana Dixon (via dealer Ken Roberts in 1982, whose slide comes with it) and Peter Megaw. This is a superb example in its size range, for both the color saturation and overall aesthetics of the shape of this piece. In fact, for this particular style, it is among the choicest miniatures. It has the color, luster, translucency, and shape you could wish for. It is competition quality. Most Kelly smithsonite miniatures are just "small." This one, though, is great.
Locality Kelly Mine, Magdalena District, Socorro Co., New Mexico
Dimensions 3.8 x 3.4 x 2.7 cm.
Specimen Grade B
Photograph Photo

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