Deep Green Chromian Lawsonite
Deep Green Chromian Lawsonite from Cape Marmari, Grammata Bay, Syros Island, Greece
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description Emplaced on a vein of foliated, purple Glaucophane/Crossite are sharp crystals of lustrous, deep green, chromium rich, Lawsonite, an uncommon silicate. The crystals reach 1 cm across and some appear to be doubly terminated. A remarkable new find from the Tucson 2012 show, of green Lawsonite crystals (the color induced by chromium), in contrasting matrix.
Locality Cape Marmari, Grammata Bay, Syros Island, Greece
Dimensions 8.5 x 5.5 x 3.6 cm.
Specimen Grade None
Photograph Photo

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