Twinned Prismatic Monazite Crystal
Twinned Prismatic Monazite Crystal from Guy #2 Mine, Elk Mountain, San Miguel County, New Mexico
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description An interesting locality piece - this twinned Monazite crystal is large and has interesting shape. It is twinned in an expected manner for the species, but in a size one seldom sees from any locale. And from an old US locale, this is one of the best. A major US example of a species quite rare in crystallized form from this country. It is 234 grams Formerly in the REE collection of geologist, Bob Nowakowski.
Locality Guy #2 Mine, Elk Mountain, San Miguel County, New Mexico
Dimensions 8.6 x 4.1 x 2.9 cm.
Specimen Grade D
Photograph Photo

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