Huge Crystallized Bismuth Cluster
Huge Crystallized Bismuth Cluster from Pohla-Tellerhauser Mine, Pohla, Schwarzenberg District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description This is a huge crystallized Bismuth specimen. It is fully crystallized, all around, too. In the world of magnificent, elemental metals, i.e., gold, silver, and copper, native bismuth is often an afterthought. But this old-time specimen is wonderful, with crystals to 1.5 cm in length abounding on a matrix of massive bismuth. The color is actually somewhat iridescent with definite hues of purple and pink, and excellent metallic luster; and the sheer number of well formed crystals makes this specimen rare and unique. This locality is no longer producing specimens, and this material has been relegated to the "old classics" category.
Locality Pohla-Tellerhauser Mine, Pohla, Schwarzenberg District, Erzgebirge, Saxony, Germany
Dimensions 10.5 x 7.6 x 3.9 cm.
Specimen Grade D
Photograph Photo

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