Deep Green Chromian Lawsonite
Deep Green Chromian Lawsonite from Cape Marmari, Grammata Bay, Syros Island, Greece
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description Crystals of lustrous, dark green chromium rich Lawsonite, to 1.7 cm across, are festooned on both sides of the host matrix. Several crystals appear to be doubly terminated. A remarkable new find from the Tucson 2012 show, of green Lawsonite crystals (the color induced by chromium), in contrasting matrix with thin veins of purple Glaucophane or Crossite and white Muscovite. These are lustrous, deep green crystals of chromium-rich Lawsonite, which is a very uncommon silicate found in good crystals at only a few locales worldwide. And, never before with such color! This is from a small find, but it is unclear exactly when it was found and leaked out to the market.
Locality Cape Marmari, Grammata Bay, Syros Island, Greece
Dimensions 11.6 x 7.0 x 3.9 cm.
Specimen Grade C
Photograph Photo

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