Velvety Goethite Blades
Velvety Goethite Blades from Clarence Coil claim, Lake George, Park Co., Colorado
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description A superb specimen from one of the most storied and well known districts in Colorado. The pegmatites near the Lake George area of Colorado have produced what most collectors and dealers consider to be the finest Amazonite specimens from the standpoint of superb color, top quality, wonderful display specimens and excellent associations. This particular specimen has no Amazonite, but it is a fine piece featuring wonderful, sharp, lustrous, velvety "blades" of Goethite forming a beautiful crystallized "spray". Crystallized specimens like this are few and far between from Colorado. Ex. Brian Kosnar Collection.
Locality Clarence Coil claim, Lake George, Park Co., Colorado
Dimensions 5.0 x 5.0 x 2.6 cm.
Specimen Grade C
Photograph Photo

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