Metastibnite with Pyrite
Metastibnite with Pyrite from San José Mine, Oruro City, Cercado Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description These wonderful, unique and interesting Metastibnite specimens from Bolivia were collected in the Fall of 2003. Before this discovery, Metastibnite was only known as amorphous reddish "smears" on matrix. These new specimens redefined the species for quality and size but the fact that these are crystallized specimens makes them truly desirable for collectors. This features fantastic, lustrous, bright silver color, botryoidal crystal aggregates on cuboctahedral Pyrite matrix. The "spheres" on this specimen are very good for quality and crystal size.
Locality San José Mine, Oruro City, Cercado Province, Oruro Department, Bolivia
Dimensions 2.3 x 2.0 x 1.0 cm.
Specimen Grade C
Photograph Photo

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