Thick Miargyrite Rosettes
Thick Miargyrite Rosettes from San Genaro Mine, Huancavelica Dept., Peru
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description Exceptionally attractive, thick rosettes of iridescent Miargyrite, to 2.0 cm across, abound on this specimen. Miargyrite is a rare silver sulfo-salt and this specimen represents the very best of the species from this locality and they are also considered among the best ever found for the species. This piece was part of the rarities suite of Marty Zinn, from his collection which sold in 2004. It is one of the few pieces from this find that would be classed as "display quality" and not just "representative" of species and place.
Locality San Genaro Mine, Huancavelica Dept., Peru
Dimensions 6.1 x 4.2 x 2.7 cm.
Specimen Grade C
Photograph Photo

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