Arfvedsonite and Microcline
Arfvedsonite and Microcline from Hurricane Mountain, east of Intervale, Carroll County, New Hampshire
Collection John Betts - Fine Minerals
Description Elongated lustrous black Aarfvedsonite crystals up to 33 mm long in tan-colored blocky Microcline crystals up to 15 mm from the famous find on the east slope of Hurricane Mountain. Terminated matrix specimens of Arfvedsonite are rare from this locality. Ex. John H. Marshall (1931-2008) #2144; ex. Ernie Schlichter (1929 -2007), collected in 1975.
Locality Hurricane Mountain, east of Intervale, Carroll County, New Hampshire
Dimensions 6.5 x 6.0 x 4.0 cm.
Specimen Grade B
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