Thick Millerite Crystal Spray
Thick Millerite Crystal Spray from Perseverance Mine, Agnew, Leinster, Leonora Shire, Goldfields-Esperance region, Western Australia, Australia
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description A relatively aesthetic specimen of lamellar growth Millerite which here is an attractive spray but is normally seen just forming in layers at this classic and now defunct nickel mine. The Millerite completely filled cracks in the rock to form thick layers of parallel-grown acicular crystals. Rarely, as here, we see terminated crystals in a rolling crust atop, though the side view is simply more pretty! It is very bright and golden-colored, and totally unique for Millerite occurrences.
Locality Perseverance Mine, Agnew, Leinster, Leonora Shire, Goldfields-Esperance region, Western Australia, Australia
Dimensions 5.7 x 4.1 x 3.0 cm.
Specimen Grade C
Photograph Photo

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