Gray Danburite in Matrix
Gray Danburite in Matrix from Alto Chapare District, Chapare Province, Cochabamba Department, Bolivia
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description This specimen features a nice, sharp, highly lustrous, well formed, prismatic, gray crystal of Danburite measuring 1.9 cm and sitting atop white Talc matrix. The crystal is doubly terminated. It is not common to find the Danburite crystals from this locality on matrix. An interesting historical note about this locality: Supposedly the mineral was first discovered in the tomb of a cacique (a native Indian chief) where they had been placed jewels to signify that he was rich. The find of these crystals was made near there. Ex. Brian Kosnar.
Locality Alto Chapare District, Chapare Province, Cochabamba Department, Bolivia
Dimensions 5.5 x 5.3 x 4.7 cm.
Specimen Grade C
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