Stubby Wulfenite Crystals
Stubby Wulfenite Crystals from Ahumada Mine, Sierra de Los Lamentos, Chihuahua, Mexico
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description A shockingly stark, contrasting specimen with upright, isolated, stubby Wulfenite crystals. The waxy-lustered, translucent, caramel colored wulfenite crystals are aesthetically arranged on matrix of Descloizite upon Quartz. Nature and a good trim job conspired to place the largest crystal, almost 2 cm across tip to tip, perfectly in the center of the specimen, giving this piece the dominant-crystal aesthetics of competition quality pieces. It is one of the more beautiful examples of its size and style from this fantastic mine. ex. Harold Urish.
Locality Ahumada Mine, Sierra de Los Lamentos, Chihuahua, Mexico
Dimensions 7.7 x 5.2 x 3.0 cm.
Specimen Grade D
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