Krennerite on Quartz Matrix
Krennerite on Quartz Matrix from Cresson Mine, Eclipse Gulch, Cripple Creek District, Teller Co., Colorado
Collection Robert Lavinsky
Description This rare gold telluride forms in some of the finest crystals in the world in the Cripple Creek Mining District. Fine crystals of Krennerite on matrix are virtually impossible to obtain anymore as the mines around Cripple Creek have long been defunct. This specimen features a few sharp, lustrous, platy, silvery colored crystals of Krennerite on Quartz matrix. These specimens are virtually impossible to obtain on the market these days.

The lower picture is a zoom into the detail of the small crystal.
Locality Cresson Mine, Eclipse Gulch, Cripple Creek District, Teller Co., Colorado
Dimensions 3.0 x 2.7 x 2.5 cm.
Specimen Grade D
Photograph Photo

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