Jasper is an opaque variety of Chalcedony, and is
usually associated with brown, yellow, or reddish colors, but may be
used to describe other opaque colors of Chalcedony such as dark or
mottled green, orange, and black. Jasper is almost always multicolored, with unique color patterns and habits.
Chemical Formula |
SiO2 |
Color |
White, Blue, Red, Green, Yellow, Orange, Brown, Gray, Black, Banded, Multicolored |
Hardness |
6.5 - 7 |
Crystal System |
Hexagonal |
Refractive Index |
1.54 - 1.55 |
SG |
2.63 - 2.65 |
Transparency |
Opaque |
Double Refraction |
.009 |
Luster |
Vitreous |
Cleavage |
Indiscernible |
Mineral Class |
Quartz (Chalcedony). See also the Jasper mineral page. |
The appeal of Jasper is its interesting color patterns and formations. Though it can be a solid color, it is most often mottled, spotted, ringed, or striped. Each Jasper has a unique color or pattern, lending this gemstone much variety. Jasper is an ancient gemstone, and is mentioned in the bible and other classical sources. Though fairly common and affordable today, Jasper in antiquity was regarded as a valuable stone.
Jasper is generally an inexpensive gemstone when used in jewelry. It is
cut and polished into cabochons, and used as beads for necklaces and
bracelets. It is also carved into cameos which can be worn as
Jasper has an over-abundance of variety names. Some variety names are
generally used by
collectors and dealers, but there are many made up
by dealers to describe a locality or other habit. The
varieties below are the well-known names or varieties that are commonly
encountered. Seldom-used and localized trade names are not described
Agate Jasper
- Opaque multicolored Jasper, or Jasper with banding; may also
refer to a single stone with a combination of both Agate and Jasper.
Biggs Jasper
- Jasper from Biggs Junction, Oregon, with varying light and dark color brown bands and pretty formations.
Brecciated Jasper
- Jasper in rounded fragments naturally cemented together in a gray material; appears similar to breccia.
Bruneau Jasper
- Jasper from Bruneau Canyon, in Owyhee County, Idaho, with
distinctive brown, cream, (and sometimes even red or green) banding
and patterns.
Cave Creek Jasper
- Reddish Jasper found near Cave Creek in Maricopa County, Arizona.
Deschutes Jasper
- Jasper from a deposit slightly east of Biggs Junction, Oregon, near
the Deschutes River, with good banding and interesting color formations.
Egyptian Jasper
- Form of Orbicular Jasper with white and gray circles on a red
background. It is found as rounded pebbles on the beaches of Egypt. A
similar Jasper is found on the beaches of Washington state and sometimes
also labelled as Egyptian Jasper.
Green Jasper
- Jasper with a light to dark green color. Green Jasper differs from Prase and Plasma since it is fully opaque.
- Banded rock that is a mixture of Hematite and Jasper.
- Orbicular Jasper with concentric rings of colorless or white Quartz. Occasionally used as a synonym of Jasper.
Leopard Jasper
- Form of Orbicular Jasper with tan color rings, appearing similar to the spots of a leopard.
Morgan Hill Jasper
- Jasper from Morgan Hill, California, with small reddish and
yellow "poppy" formations. Also synonymous with "Poppy Jasper".
- Multicolored Jasper from the Owyhee River
gorge in Malheur Co., Oregon.
Moss Jasper
- Form of Jasper or Chalcedony containing dense inclusions of
green Hornblende that cause the pattern to resemble moss. Often used
as a synonym for Moss Agate, though Moss Agate is translucent whereas Moss Jasper is opaque.
Ocean Jasper
- Form of Orbicular Jasper found on the coast of
Madagascar with small, tight, concentric ring formations.
Opal Jasper
- Form of Brecciated Jasper in which the cementing material is Opal.
Orbicular Jasper
- Jasper with rounded concentric rings throughout.
Owyhee Jasper
- Form of Jasper with scenic picture formations found near the Owyhee River in Oregon.
Picture Jasper
- Form of Jasper with scenic picture-like formations.
Poppy Jasper
- Form of yellow Orbicular Jasper with red concentric rings.
Riband Jasper
- Jasper with banded stripes, usually dark red, brown, yellow, or white bands.
Ribbon Jasper
- Form of Banded Jasper with think banded lines.
- Green form of Jasper from the Rogue River in Oregon.
Russian Jasper
- Jasper from Russia, usually with reddish spots.
Stone Canyon Jasper
- Yellowish Brecciated Jasper from Stone Canyon (near San Miguel), California.
- Jasper from Wasco Co., Oregon, with irregular yellow, pink, and red concentric bands.
Zebra Jasper
- Dark brown Jasper with lighter brown to white colored banding streaks.
Most Jasper is natural and not treated or enhanced, although occasionally it is dyed.
Jasper is common and found worldwide. Important deposits exist in India, Russia, Kazakhstan, Indonesia, Egypt, Madagascar, Australia, Brazil, Venezuela, Uruguay and the United States (Oregon, Idaho, Washington, California, Arizona, Utah, Arkansas, and Texas).
Jasper is distinguished from other Chalcedony varieties such as Agate and Carnelian by its opacity. The unique color patterns (combined with hardness) can distinguish Jasper from all other gemstones.
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