Tucson Show Special Theme:
“Mineral Treasures of the Midwest”
Every year, the city of Tucson, Arizona, transforms into a mineral and gemstone haven, with dozens of shows throughout the city. We have provided extensive coverage on these shows in past years. The largest and most respected of them is the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show®, put together by The Tucson Gem and Mineral Society. This show, also known as the “Main Show,” takes place in the large Tucson Convention Center.
The Tucson Gem and Mineral Show® show has renowned dealers from around the world display some of their best material, and debuting their newest finds. One will also see top notch exhibits from museums and collectors, considered to be the best public displays of any show.
The theme for this year is “Mineral Treasures of the Midwest.” On exhibit will be cases filled with some of the finest minerals of the Midwestern United States. "Midwest" is a broadly defined term. The show organizers have incorporated a loose definition of the Midwest to include the following states: Arkansas, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, and Wisconsin.
We put together a special report with pictures of each of the most well-known minerals from the Midwest. Please click below to see the link to the full report.
Tilly Foster Mine on Instagram
The previous edition of the Mineralogical Record had their featured article on the Tilly Foster Mine, a classic locality in New York that has been out of operation for well over a century. This mine produced some very outstanding minerals, including the world’s best Chondrodite, rare dodecahedral Magnetite, giant gemmy Titanite crystals, and unusual Serpentine pseudomorphs. In our trip to the New York State Museum in Albany this past summer, we had some photos of their collection minerals from Tilly Foster, and we recently placed these on our Instagram page.
Click here to view our Instagram page with the latest Tilly Foster posts.
American Museum of Natural History
and Tellus Museum Visits
We recently made a trip to the American Museum of Natural History in New York to view their mineral and gemstone collection. The American Museum of Natural History is a world-famous museum with many exceptional specimens. Due to the immense size of this museum, it actually required two separate trips to get everything photographed, as we also got sidetracked by some of the other outstanding exhibits outside the mineral and gemstone halls. We will organize a detailed report on this visit and will provide many good pictures in the coming months.
In late February, we visited the Tellus Museum in Cartersville, Georgia. This museum, about an hour north of Atlanta, is a very enjoyable and well-presented natural history museum. The mineral exhibit is fresh and modern, with an excellent collection on display, especially minerals from Georgia. This is arguably the best museum collection of minerals on display in the southeastern United States. We took some very good photos of their collection, with a special emphasis on Georgia minerals. Stay tuned for our posting on this!