The Mineral sphaerocobaltite
- Cobaltocalcite refers to an intermediary mineral between Calcite and Sphaerocobaltite in a solid solution series. It is most often perceived as a cobalt-rich variety of Calcite with a rich pink color. (Cobaltocalcite may also be mistakenly used as a synonym for Sphaerocobaltite).
Sphaerocobaltite is a rare mineral. The original type locality is the Daniel mine in Schneedberg, Saxony, Germany. The Kolwezi Mines in Shaba (Katanga), Congo (Zaire) are the most abundant and outstanding source for this mineral. Other occurrences are Bou Azzer, Morocco; Santa Rosalia, Boleo, Baja California, Mexico; and the Cobre Mine, Conception del Oro, Zacatecas, Mexico.
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